Thursday, April 12, 2007

Continental Shift(s)

Orthodoxy says continental drift, others say continental sprints/shift(s), some say cont "drift"/shift is only theory. Evidences of sudden continental shift(s)/sprint(s) not (just) drifting:

-Sudden shift could have triggered volcanic eruptions cp Thera, iridium, tachylite/cinder/ash mid-Atl ridge, tektites.

-Shift would cause earthquakes cp Atlantis/Athens, Easter I, Nazca, Stonehenge damaged from [sw], Minoan, collapsed/bent pyramid.

-Shift would have caused tidal waves cp Ur/Kish flood strata.

-Sudden continental shift would have caused sea/lakes to slosh over land as testified by Hopi myth, bible, sea salt petrified mastodon bones near Bogota, whale bones in USA, muddy sea, Tiahuanaco flood.

-These catastrophies would have caused sudden mass extinctions of prehistoric megafauna cp mass graves in Siberia, Gobi, [Alaska], [Mexico/Texas].

-Sudden shift would have caused warmer (or cooler re ice shift) oceans cp seafloor sediments.

-Cont shift would have wrinckled/crested up mountain ranges cp Rockies/Cascade/Coast/Cordillera, Andes, Grt Div Rge, Himalayas, mid-Atlantic ridge.

-Sudden continental shift would explain migration patterns of birds/lemmings/eels/butterflies, which are exactly the same as ancient ships going out to look for Atlantis where it once was in vain.

-Evidence from Andes that shift happened contemp with humans/civ incls Tiahuanaco, nets/pottery/stone implements/cloth in strata/cross-bedding, staircase.

- recently discovered hole/hot spot in mid-Atlic crust.

-Cp catastrophic turning inside out of Venus.

- altered alignments; seeming sky/moon/stars falling/standing still; seeming sinking Atlantis.

Bible, myth, science etc give/are evidence that all the continents broke up and shifted from one common original supercontinent.

- Judaeo-Xtian vers: Earth (land &/or people) divided in days of Peleg.
- Mesopotamian vers: Ki means cleave [gap/gulf]. [Tiamat] cut in half by [Bel].
- Egyptian vers: Osiris cut into 14 pieces. Thoth "the er", (D Fasold.)
- Maori vers: Maui's bros cut up fishes back making valleys & mountains.
- floating islands. world egg opened.
- Classical vers: Zagreus torn to pieces by Titans. Zeus, Poseid, Hades, (Persephone, Athena, Hephaestus) divide up earth/Gaea between them; 3 islands of Z, Poseidonis, H.


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