Saturday, April 07, 2007

3 sons of Noah; &/or Trinity

- Cabalist/Judaeo-Xtian/Biblical versions:
Cain, Abel, Seth?
Tubal, Jubal, Jabal?
3 levels Ark.
3 sons of Noah: Shem, Japheth, Ham, (+ Noah = 4th).
Nimrod, Joktan, Fenech (Charlesworth).
Abram, Nahor, Haran?
Abraham visited by 3 angels;
Abram, Eleazar, Isaac (Milser).
3 patriarchs: Abram, Isaac, Jacob.
Ahiman, Sheshai, Talmai.
Daniel 3rd in kdm.
Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego.
3 ribs bear (Dan).
3 uprooted horns beast.
Gaspar, Melchior, Belshazar.
Moses, JC, Elijah.
Peter, James, John.
3 crosses: Thief, JC, Thief (Jantsang).
3 days JC: died, buried/Sat, rose/Sun.
Holy, Holy, Holy (Misler).
Was, Is, Is to Come;
Antichrist, False Proph, Dragon.
Trinity/Godhead: Father, Son, Holy G/S.
Sinoptic gospels: Mt, Mk, Lk.
3 OT grps/divs: law & prophets & writings/other/rest.
Kether, Binah, Hokhmah (Myers).
[Geburah, Tipereth, ....]
Body, soul, spirit.
3 divs templ: Holy of Holies, inner court, outer court.
3 letters YHWH.
Judaism, Xtianity, Islam.
3 consonant/letter roots.
3 Teachers of Righteousness (J Jewell, ).
Saducees, Pharisees, Essenes.
3 heavens (D Prince, ).
1/3rd vs 2/3rds angels.
poss 3 intended bks Luke's.
3 1/2 yrs tribulation.
time, times, half time.
Jesus ministry 3 yrs.

- Hittite version:
3 sons Anus/Kumarbis: Tesub, Tasmisu, Aranzah (Lehman, Larousse.).

- Phoenician version:
Chronus, Potos, Omicle (Sykes).
Phos/light, Phur/fire, Phlox/flame.
Athirat, Anat, Asherah (Jordan).
Qre, Ashima, ... (Graves).

Allat, Uzza, Manat (B Walker, Chick).

- Babylonian versions:
Tiamat, Apsu, Mummu (Heidel).
Ea, Anu, Bel (Black/Green, ).
Sin, Samas, Istar/Adad (Sykes, Sayce).

-Iranian version:
3 sons of Thraetaona/Feridun: Eraj, Salm/Sayrima, Tur.
Rashnu, Mithra, Sraosha (Sykes).
3 saviours: Saoshyant, ..., ... (J Jewell, Larouse).
Creation, Mixture, Separation.
3 parts Avesta (Sykes).

- Indian versions:
heads snake Ahi (Cooper);
Brahma, Visnu, Siva.
3 sons of Manu: Sama/Scherma, Chama, Pra-Jyapeti (S Bristowe.)
Rajas, Tamas, Sattva (radio).
Indra/Vayu, Agni, Surya (Sykes, C Cook/Pears).
3 wives: Ganga, Sarasvati, Jumna/Lakshmi (Cotterell).
3 aryan castes: brahm, kshatr, vishya.
33 (3 x 11) devas (Jordan).
3 steps: rising, zenith, setting (Jordan, Hrozny).
3 cities/parts world: heaven, air, earth (Jordan).
3 cities: gold, silver, iron (Jordan).

Amaterasu, Susano, Tsuki-yomi (A Cotterell).

Kola, Klepio, Arvo (K Buck, ).

- Greek versions:
Chaos, Eros, Gaia (Tyson).
3 sons of Uranus & Gaia: Kronos, Titan/Typhon, Iapetos divide up earth (Bristowe.)
3 sons of Kronos & Rhea: Zeus, Poseidon, Hades.
Minos, Rhadamantys, Sarpedon/Aeacus.
Aeolos, Dorus, Xuthus.
4 legs, 2 legs, 3 legs (Sphinx).
3 hypostates: One, Mind, Soul (Scorpion).
3 intended bks Plato (Zangger).
Hermes Trismegistus.
Stone, Bronze, Iron (Filmer, Cooper).
3 conts Old World: Europe, Asia, Libya (Herodotus).
3 Muses/castalides.
3 phases Hera: pais, teleia, chera (Jordan).
Artemis, Demeter, Hecate (Bolton)?
3 Dactyls/[chalybes?]: Smelter, Hammer, Anvil (Cooper).
3 Horae/parcae: Eunomia, Dice, Irene.
3/triple heads/bodies Hecate (Bolton).
3 Moirae/parcae/fates: Klotho, Lachesis, Atropus.
3 gorgons: Medusa, Stheno, Euryale.
3 graces/Gratiae/Charities: Aglaia, Thalia, Euphrosyne.
3 headed dog Cerberus.
3 bodied Geryon.
3 Hesperides (Cooper).
3 Erinyes/furies/Eumenides: Alecto, Tisiphone, Megaira.
3 Cyclopes: Brontes, Steropes, Arges.
3 Hecatoncheires/centimani: Cottus, Gyges, Briareus/Aegaeon.
3 Graeae.

Uni, Tin, Minerva (Sykes, B Walker).

Jupiter/Juventas, Juno, Minerva (Walker, Jordan).
Jupiter, Mars, Quirinus (Jordan).
3 tribes (Cook).
3 remaining sibylline books.
3 Horatii (Cook).
triumvirate: Julius Caesar, Pompey, Crassus.
Octavian, Antony, Lepidus.

Napoleon, Ducos, Sieyes.
Napoleon, De Cambaceres, Lebrun.
33 degrees masonry.

[3 Celt/Galli/Gaul castes/provs: (Caesar).]

- Norse versions:
Odin, Vili, Ve.
Harr, Janfar, Thrud.
Odin, Frey, Thor (Tyson).
Jarl, Karl, Thrall.
Istaevon, Ingaevon, Hermion.
Odin, Hoenir, Loder.
3 Norns: Urd, Verdandi, Skuld.
Man, Maid, Frost Giant (Branston).
[Asgard, Midgard, Jotunheim (Anderson)?]
Valknut 3 triangles (Skadi).
[3 x 8 runes.]
3 (sub-)races of Europe: Alpine, Nord, Medit, (Ripley).
3 x 8 hrs: sleep, work, ....

3 heads Triglav: heaven, earth, lower regions (Sykes).

- Egyptian versions:
Gods, Demigods, Manes.
Isis, Horus, Seb/Set (Chick).
Atum, Shu, Tefnut (Alford).
Memphite: Ptah, Seker, Osiris.
Khepri, Ra, Atum.
3 Hermes/Thoths: Set, Shu, Thoth (Massey).
Khufu, Khafre, Menkaure.
3 seasons: Inundation, Winter, Summer.
Osiris, Horus, Isis (Sykes/Mercatante).
Set, Nephthys, Anubis (Mercatante).
Theban: Amon-Re, Mut, Khensu (Sykes).
Memphite: Ptah, Sekhmet, Imhotep (Sykes).
Elephantine: Anquet, Khnemu, Sati (Sykes).
3 kingdoms: O, M, N.
Userkaf, Sahure, Neferirkare.

Maou, Lisa, Gou (Sykes).

- Tupi-Guarani version:
Guaracy, Jacy, Peruda (Sykes).

Kane, Ku, Lono/Kanaloa (Jordan).
3 fingers Maori carvings.

Trinary star (radio, ).
Earth 3rd planet from Sun.
3 phases Moon.
3 spheres: sun/solar, moon/lunar, stars/stellar.
core mantle crust.
3 lobes brain (M Godwin).
vestigal 3rd eye-lid (Cook).
[time/energy, matter, space (K Wheeler, CSF/AIG/ICR/logos/libronix).]
3 states matter: solid, liquid, gas.
3 (geographical) races: Cauc, Mong, Negr.
3 dimensions.
3 body types: ecto, meso, endo.
3 phases women.
3 stars Orions belt.
hundreds (100 - 999).
3 leaf clover.
past, present, future.
father, mother, child.

Trinity explains the origin of pluralis majesticus "us".

Noah cursed Ham because he had castrated (not sodomised) him (in the ark (after flood)?) because he didn't want earth divided up between more than 3 bros there already were, hence Noah had no further sons (Noachites/Noachians) after flood.
Noah's cursing of (Ham via) Canaan to be a slave was the source of the "Aryan" (Dumezil) tripartite caste system of the code of Manu (flood survivor, 3 sons Sama/Scherma, Chama & Pra-Jyapeti). (The sometimes 4 instead of 3 castes may be incld Noah or giants/Cainites?)

Biblical Shemites:
- Elam;
- Assyria;
- Chaldee, Hebrew, Arab, Moab, Ammon, Edom, Nabatean;
- Aramaeans/Syrians.

modern label "Semitics":
- Arab; sth Arab; Ethiopia;
- Canaan, Hebrew, Phoenicia, Punic;
- Akkadian, Assyria, Babylonian;
- Aramaic, Chaldee, Syriac, Ahlamu;
- Amorite; Ugarit; Ebla; Hyksos; biblical Hittites.

Biblical Khamites:
- Egypt, Philistines;
- Canaan, Hittites, Phoenicians, Amorites;
- Libya;
- Ethiopia, Sumer, Assyria, Babylonian, Akkadian.

modern label "Hamitics":
- Egypt, Libya, Ethiopia, Nilo-Hamites.

According to some sources Hamitic is an arbitrary/convenient grouping of 3 branches of Hamito-Semitic/Afro-Asiatic/Erythraic/Adamic (equal status with Semitic branch).